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Hunt & Hunting season

The hunt always follows ethical principles.

Despite the large and open hunting concession, we generally only hunt from mid-March to mid-June and again from early August to mid-October. Thus we can guarantee exceptional trophies and an unforgettable hunting experience.

The hunting season for game birds is in August.

We always conduct a preliminary assessment to ascertain the physical fitness and shooting skills of our guests.

We hunt at dawn for approx. 3 – 4 hours, and again in the late afternoon for roughly 3 hours. Between hunts, you are free to relax and enjoy yourself.

Generally, the terrain on which we hunt is hilly to mountainous – sometimes even “high alpine”. Naturally, we also offer high seat hunting. Guests are accompanied by a professional hunter.

The Erongo is home for all the originally endemic species and has no fences or closed gates, and ideal spot for ethical unfenced hunting.

Other non-endemic species can be booked with us and hunted in other areas.

Only mature and old animals are hunted to ensure the sustainability of a varied and healthy game population. Consequently, we do not hunt the prime males but rather the "oldest ". This is in line with the rating method of the 'Erongo Record Book´.

Trophies are selected based on the measurements listed in the 'Erongo Record Book for African Game Animals´.

Safe handling of the gun is a top priority! Stalking with loaded guns is not permitted. Loading only takes place when the trophy animal has been identified and a save shot is possible.

Wounded and lost game (despite intensive tracking measures) is deemed as killed. It is the hunting guide's or professional hunter's decision on when to interfere in case an animal has been wounded.

We have the following rifles available for hire: .375 H&H, 8x68 S, 300 Win Mag., 300 Weatherby Mag., 243 Win. Mag. and many more. Please consider carefully before bringing your own rifle.

If you decide to do so, you will need to complete a temporary import permit application form for all rifle(s) and/or ammunition to obtain a temporary licence.

General information on hunting in Namibia can be found at www.napha-namibia.com.